I'm still waiting to find out where I'll be going for treatment. If I get a billet in the Bay Area, they've tagged the San Francisco University Medical Center. I've found a couple of nice places to live in the area too. Now if I can only get orders!
Thanks to everyone who's expressed their concern, support, and prayers. To everyone who's asked if there's anything they can do for me...honestly at this point, all that I ask is to be treated as normally as possible. I'm not dead yet! :) I want to work hard, live hard, and do all I can while I still have the chance. (I'll save Horace and the metaphysical poets for another post.)
It's odd; the picture above reminds me of a sort of Rorschach test or fractal art. Or maybe one of those dizzyingly annoying "Magic Eye" posters that were so popular when I was in junior high. Cross your eyes and "look deeply"...
I could never "get" those Magic Eye posters. No complaints from me if you end up in the Bay Area. ;)
Hell, that was a big reason I picked it! We haven't lived in the same city in almost 10 years...
Of course, there's always the consideration that in San Francisco, persons classified as "ugly" may not walk down city streets. (And, it's illegal to wipe down your car with used underwear.)
Hey V,
Saw your post over on Christy's blog. Sorry to hear it. I, myself, am a 7 year survivor of Leukemia (AML) with a clean bill of health (knocking on wood!).
You will be in my thoughts as you make your way through the treatments. Will it be radiation or chemo or ....?
You're a strong and feisty woman - I know you can beat this!!!
The initial word was chemo and radiation both; but they have to wait until the staging is complete before they know exactly what sort of treatment I'll get, and how long it will last.
Once I get orders and know where I'm going, I'll be able to schedule a consult and the staging/imaging.
And congrats on the survivorship. I hope to be joining that club soon! :)
Veritas, that is seriously messed up. I just wish I could give you a hug.
When you get better we can go pirating. Jamacia sounds like a good place to loot and pillage.
It is illegal to wipe down your car with used underwear in SF... Are you serious?
Nevermind, I don't think I want to know.
Woman! Now I have to stock my car with CLEAN underwear when I want to wipe it down in SF? That is really asking a lot!
On the plus side, there's no need to worry about your eligibility to walk down city streets - you're always beautiful.
V--and viola vocce,
I never 'got' those Magic Eye posters either. They just gave me a headache and a sense that they were ugly as heck anyway and why would someone want to hang a 36 x 36 piece of smeary things on their wall...
Congrats on being a 7 year survivor. My thoughts and prayers will be with both of you.
In terms of the used underwear thing...well, I was at a gas station near work and there were 3 women's g'strings right by the gas pumps. Do they happen to belong to either of you...? (wink)
Sparrow (s)
Eww, butt floss? No thanks! (now if you'd mentioned some unmentionables hanging in a bar...)
Honestly a nice pair of XL cotton briefs would probably do nicely for buffing up some wax on the vehicle.
Richard and I are sitting in a bar in DC, watching Kansas vs. Memphis, and drinking a toast to you too---that you may only endure a series of slam dunk attacks on said extraneous cells.
Richard is a survivor too--of prostate cancer. Passed five years last April. It happens, and there has never been a better time to be under attack!
Much love to you, sweetie.
K and R in DC
Hey V. My thoughts and prayers are with you. This is truly a very difficult time, but one that millions of people look back at as just a bad memory. Please know that I will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Sometimes when "patients" have finished talking with their doctors, they really aren't sure what they heard. I will be glad to translate.
Hey Heather, thanks for keeping us updated with your blog. We're rooting for you here.
This is a sad news to hear... But at least you have your top-notch government paid healthcare, which is more than what most Americans can say.
I know you will pull through. I will keep you in my thoughts. And if you are sent to San Francisco and feel well enough, I will stop by one day to say hello.
Ally McRepuke
You started a blog! Yay! =) I knew it would be worthwhile to start documenting your experiences down this not-so-pleasant journey. My prayers are still with you daily (or almost daily)! =) See you this summer! If you get orders, that is! =)
I am thinking of you with this unfortunate news and praying for the best possible outcome. You are a really strong and driven person and will overcome. I wish you the best and have faith in your prognosis.
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