One of the initial-surge casualties was my stomach - in fact, my whole digestive system. Healthy-eating gurus are always telling people to "listen to their stomach talking". I doubt they'd want to put up with the noise of mine lately. Its speech has been reduced to a single, low grumble, which generally can be translated into one of the following mutually exclusive ideas: (a) "Feed me, I'm starving!"; (b) "What the hell were you thinking, putting food in me?!"; or (c) "I'm angry at the whole world! GRRRRR!!!"
It is a war of attrition: other casualties have included, intermittently, my skin (unexplained rashes

I tell myself my fingertips only ache because of the hours pounding and plucking stringed instruments. But the truth is, they're losing accurate sensation too, placing everything from rapid-fire typing to bike-riding in peril. And one of the last outposts of resistance to the relentless siege, my hair, is gradually losing its tenuous hold on my body.
It is strange to watch your body disintegrate beneath you. To watch as unconsciously, your heart and lungs and brain and muscles summon up their reserves, substituting one sensation for another, altering your gait, your posture, your habits. To sit idly by as the one bedrock set of resources you thought you could always count on - your body - can't, or won't, respond to your commands.
I am war-weary. I can't wait to start rebuilding my forces.
You've almost made it to an even week,V, and then soon you'll be half way!!! After that, it's all down hill.
Remember the battle that is going on inside - the battle for good over evil. It will take it's toll, as any battle does, but you are on the winning team, and most of the side effects will be temporary.
When I was in a dark spot during my treatments, a chaplin told me that the dark thoughts are the devil trying to have his way, and that focusing on your faith will move the dark patches away. I'm not a tremendously religous person, although I am a person of faith, but that really resonated with me, and helped me get through a time of despair.
You are a strong woman, V, and you will get through this. It may well be the hardest thing you do in your lifetime. But you are doing it!!!! And you are winning!!!
You are in my prayers daily. Keep up the good work, and you go, girl!!!
Week 4 begins! Here's to the even weeks, and the approach of the half way point.
Bobby McFerrin - The 23rd Psalm (for his mother)
The Lord is my shepherd
I have all I need
She makes me lie down in green meadows
beside the still waters She will lead
She restores my soul
She rights my wrongs
She leads me in a path of good things
and fills my heart with song
Even though I walk
through a dark and dreary land
There is nothing that can shake me
She has said She won't forsake me
I'm in Her hand.
She sets a table before me
In the presence of my foes
She annoints my head with oil
and my cup overflows
Surely, surely
goodness and kindness will follow me
all the days of my life
And I will live in Her house forever
Forever and ever.
Glory be to the mother, and daughter
and to the holy of holies
As it was in the beginning
is now, and ever shall be
world without end, amen.
Thank you so much Carol, for all your cards and comments!!! It really means a lot.
My hair started falling out, all at once, yesterday. Probably lost half my hair in 24 hours. It is the weirdest thing! I got sympathy from all the balding men at work. They were surprised to be able to empathize with a young female about losing hair!
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