9. No more sleeping in curlers
8. I knew my nickname was “V” for a reason

7. Bald goes with everything
6. Hair is so 20th century!
5. No gray hairs
4. Shaves seconds off my swim time
3. Scrunchies are getting so expensive
2. With big, dark glasses and a colorful head scarf, I’ll look famous
1. Three words: G. I. Jane
Top picture = Natalie Portman
Bottom picture = me
You have a lovely head!
Good for you to take control of it and do it yourself. I had gone quite short, but I should have shaved it, because it was still very traumatic when the short stuff fell out. That made me feel like I really WAS sick (if I didn't already know it), and that now everyone else would know, too.
I got a wig, but only wore it a couple of times. It was too uncomfortable and un-natural, even though it looked like my real hair. Hats are fun, and although I didn't go bald in public (totally individual comfort decision), I did at home and it felt good that way.
You go, girl!
V--it's good that you're doing what you feel most comfortable doing to help you handle the situation.
Keep hanging tough and trying to keep a good attitude.
Hey V,
Hope it all went well yesterday with round one, and is going well today.
We're thinking about and we are with you in spirit, sending positive vibes your way.
I used this one a lot:
Help me to remember that there is nothing that can happen to me today that you and I can't handle together.
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